Fungal Serology
Fungal Serology: Serologic tests for patient antibodies have been useful for non-culture-based diagnosis of fungal infection since the middle of the last century. Serology is of greatest value in diagnosis of endemic mycoses. There are many advantages to the use of serology for diagnosis of invasive fungal infection. First, results may be positive when culture results are negative or samples are difficult to obtain. Second, if positive, serological results may reduce the need for culture of potentially hazardous fungi, for example, Coccidioides spp. Finally, serology is a minimally invasive sample, which lowers barriers to testing.
- Galactomannan assay
- Beta D glucan assay
- Candida Mannan antigen
- Candida Anti-mannan antibody
- Histoplasma antigen
- CALAS/ Lateral flow immunoassay for Cryptococcus
- IgE and IgG specific for Aspergillus